How to remove IP from Microsoft Blacklist
List of VPS providers with port 25 open: Full list
Before I go into the list of VPS providers with port 25 open, I will like to talk about port in general. This will help us to have a better understanding of what ports are and the reason why we should open anyone, say port 25. What is port According to TechTarget, a port is a way to identify a specific process to which an internet or other network message is to be forwarded when it arrives at a server. It is an internet protocol that allows a user to communicate between servers. Simply put, ports allow connections to happen. To perform some actions on your computer you need certain ports to be open. For instance: To connect to a Linux machine you need port 22 to be open. Look at the picture below. This is a putty SSH to establish a connection to a Linux machine. Connecting to anther window machine Via RDP is established via port 3389 SQL database systems like MySQL are established via port 3306. Connecting to websites as you are doing right now on this site uses port 80 To send emails from your server to your client’s servers you need port 25 to be open in your server. Why do we need port 25 to be open? Port 25 is an internet protocol that must be open on your computer or server to allow you to send and receive emails. In the same way, you need port 22 to be open to help establish a remote connection to a Linux machine, you need port 25 to be opened on your machine or server to help you receive and send messages. How to check if port 25 is open One of the best tools in the market today to check whether or not port 25 is open is yougetsignal. Just input your machine IP address in the IP address field. Put the port number you want to check in the port number field. You will notice that if you click on check, you will see whether or not the port you are looking for is open. The picture below shows an IP address check by yougetsignal with port 25 closed …….. This shows that port 25 is closed for this machine. Meaning I can’t send emails from this server but I can receive. Note: If you check the status of my port 25 from the picture above it shows that my port is closed. But, notice that I can still receive emails from my server. So, when we talk about port 25 being open, it means it is open for outgoing mails. This means you can send and receive emails, but when your server port is closed you will be able to receive emails but you cant send. Summarily port 25 is open by default for incoming mails but isn’t for outgoing mails. Hope you get the point now? I hope you do . Why port 25 is blocked by VPS providers In today’s world, spamming is a thing of great concern to email clients like Gmail, yahoo, outlook, etc. According to Forbes, 320 billion spam emails are sent every day, and 94% of malware is delivered via this medium. This is the major reason why most internet service providers ( ISPs ) are blocking their port 25. Even a few of them that open their port 25 for outgoing mails are very strict about spam, and won’t hesitate to block any machine or IP address that is triggering spam in their system. You might be wondering how ISPs detect spam? Well, let’s see How do ISPs detect Spam? There are spam detection databases such as that blacklists IPs that indicate potential spamming. As a result of this, email clients have leveraged on third-party IP blacklist databases to assign a reputation to your server or sending IP. IP reputation reflects the quality of emails sent out of a server. This implies that Email clients are scoring your server based on how genuine emails you are sending out of your server. This helps them to decide whether to place your emails in their customer’s inbox or the hell of the spam folder. Once ISPs records lower reputations, emails from their server will be going to the spam folder. This will make them record low sales. Low Sending scores which is a function of reputation will also make them have low credibility as a company. Also, there are certain laws by the government that places fine on any ISP that allow their servers to be used for spamming. To save themselves from these unwanted fines, ISPs simply block their port 25. Effects of port 25 Block But, all this outright ban on port 25 by ISP’s arent favoring Email marketers. We all know that the ROI in email marketing is up to 4400%. Subscribing to email marketing companies for instance:, getresponse, etc is quite expensive. To maximize our ROI in email marketing, we still need to find a workaround for the port 25 issues. This will help us to set up our mailing system and send unlimited emails for as low as $12. You can check my Postal SMTP Setup Guide to learn how to build your own SMTP server for free. I have made a list of VPS providers with port 25 open. Also note that these VPS providers change their policies from time to time hence, if you notice that any of these VPS providers no longer sell VPS with port 25 open, I request you email me at so that we can fix things together and I can also keep this article up to date. List of VPS providers with port 25 open Here is the list of VPS providers with port 25 open for outgoing mail. TurnKey Internet Contabo VPSBG Ovhcloud The above VPS providers are the one that opens port 25 by default. There are a lot of other VPS companies that allows mailing but you just have to first
Why Email Marketing Is So Important: All You Need To Know
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt USD-1018764640 ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. According to campaignmonitor, the Return on investment in email marketing is 4400%. This implies a $44 return on every $1 spent. Also according to Direct Marketing Association, 66% of consumers have made a purchase online due to an email marketing message they have received in the past. In this short tutorial, we are going to see why email marketing is so important, all you need to know, and how you can skyrocket your sales and conversion through email marketing. It doesn’t matter the niche or business you are in; email marketing remains the most viable means to build a great relationship with the lovers of your content, increase revenue, and cut down advertising costs. Aside from the high ROI in email marketing, Email marketing helps to increase the ROI in business more than any form of advertising. For instance; during your advertising on Facebook, Google, youtube, bing, etc once you capture the emails of the people that interacted with your ad, you can easily build relationships with them and they will trust you and buy your recommendations. But if you do the contrary by running advertising straight to your offers, you might get some sales but it won’t be as compared to when you implement email marketing in your business. So, if you are still wondering whether or not, email marketing is dead or not? The truth is that you are leaving a lot of conversions and sales on the table. Now Let’s get straight to the point on Why Email Marketing Is So Important ….. What is email marketing? Email marketing is a form of digital marketing which involves sending genuine emails to specific niches to increase traffic. There are a lot of Reasons, why Email Marketing Is So Important. It helps to create awareness about your business, promote specific offers, etc. This helps to generate sales instantaneously or take your customers through a funnel to increase sales in the longer term Why consider email marketing? There has been some level of criticism on the relevance of email marketing in today’s world of business. Some big names even went extreme to affirm that email marketing is dead. On the contrary, is not and will never be dead. Here are a few reasons why email marketing is not dead and will not be dead in the near future. Increases ROI in business: As hinted at the beginning of the tutorial. Email marketing helps to increase your business’s return on investment by up to 4400%. Assuming you invested 1000 bucks in your business, both in advertising and all; and at the end of a specific period as set by you, your return on investment is 50%, that means you have a total of fifteen hundred ($1500) bucks in total with five hundred bucks as your ($500) Return on investment. So if you decide to employ email marketing in your business you are going to increase your ROI by a whooping nothing less than 4400%. That means that you are now going to be making 44*$1000 of your initial investment, which is nothing less than $44k as opposed to the normal 1/2*$1000 you would have made assuming you didn’t implement email marketing. The next question in your mind will be… How am I going to be sure that these numbers are really feasible? Or is it just a vein collection of data to make up things? And you are 100% right for thinking like that because you really need to know the feasibility of what you want to implement in your business. Just continue reading and you will find out soon. In this tutorial, you will see how and why it is possible to even make far more than 4400% of your initial investment as ROI after having totally implemented email marketing in your business. 4400% ROI in Email Marketing. Alright, Here let’s look at a little shadow of how email marketing can increase your ROI. Let’s look at the same $1000 investment scenario. If you are investing $1K without collecting your customers’ emails; you will be spending this money on advertising or any other means of reaching out to customers. We all know that people buy trust, it is difficult to click an ad and go straight to the product page and pull out your credit or debit card and buy. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen but that will be a once in a blue. One of the processes of building trust is through email marketing. Instead of sending your customers directly to the sales page of your product which may likely not convert, you can send them to a landing page. One good thing about email marketing is that with the right autoresponder software like mailwizz you can automate emails while asleep. By doing this you will make more sales. For those that didn’t buy immediately; trust will be built over time and they will finally buy once your offer is good. This will save you a lot of money because email marketing is very cheap compared to running paid advertising. Once you have collected customers’ emails you can send unlimited emails to them later. Factors affecting high ROI As enticing as the ROI in email marketing might be. It is very important to know that there are some factors that need to be properly checked to achieve this. These factors if not properly followed will make little or no ROI from email marketing. Let us look at them below… BUILDING AN EMAIL LIST The picture above shows a total of 414 leads I collected within a month at the moment of writing this tutorial using Generally, building a list involves collecting emails and building your empire of subscribers by giving out high-quality content to your potential subscribers. To increase
How to warm up IP (email deliverability best practices)
When you build a new SMTP server or opt-in for a brand-dedicated IP in email marketing companies; your first email will most likely go to spam. This has more potential to happen to a new SMTP server than a dedicated brand IP address. So, in this guide, I will focus on how to warm up the IP of a newly built SMTP server. This is because emails sent via a newly built SMTP server have zero possibility of going to the inbox. In this guide, you will get to master and understand not only email deliverability issues. You will understand email deliverability best practices, that will help you to become an email deliverability specialist. So, let’s go ………. As said before; When you build a new SMTP server and send your first email it goes to spam. This occurs when all technical conditions such as SPF, dkim,dmarc, and 10/10 sending score on mail-tester are already in place. What is warming up This is the process of sending emails slowly to build a reputation. In your new SMTP server, you need to send emails slowly to gain the trust of internet service providers. This sends a signal to Email clients like Gmail, yahoo, outlook, etc that you are a genuine sender. How to warm up IP Why do you need to warm up IP before sending? You need to learn how to warm up IP for your new server. This is important so that you can get the trust of internet service providers that you are a legitimate sender. There are approximately 3.8 billion emails across different ISPs. If there are no laws against spamming the internet will be filled with spam messages fatigued in people’s inboxes. I’m sure you will be frustrated if you wake up and see your inbox filled up with unsolicited emails. So, the rule here is that you must warm up your SMTP server. This will help to send emails to your subscriber’s inbox. If things are not like that, one spammer somewhere in the world will set up 100 SMTP servers and start sending unsolicited emails to your inbox, ridiculous right? so, don’t spam my guys…..Lol. How long Does it take to warm up IP There is no specific length of time or strategy on how to warm up IP or SMTP server, it all depends on your need and the size of your email list. For instance, if you have a 1k email list it will take you less time to warm up your server to send 1k emails at once per day. But if you have a 10k email list, it will take you more time to warm up your server to send 10k emails at once per day. Generally, you can warm up your server between 2-12 weeks. As hinted before; warming up your server requires you to send emails slowly. For you to know the number of emails to send per day, you need to schedule your email for sending. You can determine the number of emails sent per day either by using your head or by using an email warm-up generator. In a nutshell, this is a chart that shows you how to warm up IP for a 1k list. You can visit h-supertools to generate the best schedule for your email list just like the one below: Postal SMTP Setup Guide The above Schedule is for a 1k email list. You can generate and work with your respective list size. Tips to warm up IP Here are a few tips you need to master on how to warm up IP in order to successfully get your server up and running and land your emails in the inbox. Bounce Rate This is the measure of the number of emails that bounced back from the receiving server. You get a high bounce rate when you send campaigns to email addresses that do not exist. Here are the reasons why emails might not exist. Expired Domains There are a lot of domain emails out there whose domains are expired. Sending messages to the emails associated with these domains it will lead to a high bounce rate on your server. This is because those emails do not exist any longer. When you send out emails to a list containing expired domain emails, the email sent will return an error message from the receiving server telling you that the email is non-existent. When you build a new SMTP server and before you send out any email, make sure to validate your list in order to remove non-existent emails. You can validate your email list by using services like zerobounce. This will help you keep your list clean and reduce the bounce rate which will, in turn, increase your inbox rate. Spam traps Spam traps are virtual email addresses created by ISPs and spread over the internet to help them lure spammers. This is to send their emails to the hell of spam folders. In a real sense, spam traps are email addresses not owned by anyone. They are placed in different parts of the web. Most spammers, especially bulk mailers, on their quest to harvest emails online will extract these spam traps. Once you send emails to a spam trap using your new server your IP will automatically be blacklisted. You will now have to start from square zero for that server will be irredeemable. So it is very important to stay away from scrapped lists as much as you can. And in the case where you must scrap emails from different unsolicited sources, make sure to Validate the emails with the above-recommended services. Recycled Spam Traps Another form of spam trap is the recycle spam trap. These are emails that have been abandoned by their owners for so long that they are now being converted into spam traps. when you send emails to these non-existent email addresses, it will bounce back from the receiving server and be recorded as a spam trap. By this,
Postal SMTP Setup Guide: Everything You Need to Know
If you have been looking for a full easy-to-follow guide to help you set up your own custom Email sending server, welcome to this tutorial. In this postal SMTP setup guide, you will be getting the right knowledge you need to get your own postal SMTP setup up and running in no time, and without any fear of technical hassle. Whether you want to reduce the ridiculously outrageous cost of the SMTP, email marketing companies like, Getresponse or you just want to be more flexible and have better control over your campaigns, in this detailed tutorial, I will be walking you through everything you need in order to set up your own full-fledged SMTP server and custom email using postal without breaking your head on strange technicalities. So, Let’s get Started……… What is Postal SMTP server? Postal is a fully-featured open-source Mail transfer agent ( MTA ) for incoming and outgoing messages. Postal has all the features that can serve your business and campaign need. The postal script is written in Ruby and javascript ( these are programming languages ). I’m super happy to publish this Postal SMTP setup guide as this is not just an integral part of your understanding of the mechanism of SMTP and email sending, but also why things happen in email marketing as they do. Postal SMTP Server Vs PowerMTA? In this postal SMTP setup guide, it is very important to note that aside from the postal easy setup mechanism, it is free and open-source. At the other end of the spectrum, PowerMTA standard and enterprise license cost between $500-$12000. So, there should be some kind of extra values such as higher network bandwidth, high processing speed, high performance, and other server resources. PowerMTA is supersonically fast compared to postalMTA. This is why it is used by big and established companies like getresponse, Mailchimp,, and others. Let me not digress from what we are here for today. I’ll write a detailed tutorial about powerMTA later, you can check back this site in a few days, but for now, let’s learn about postal. Postal is great and I love it and I believe you’ll too, considering you are not an email marketing company or a spammer who sends billions of emails per day. If for any reason you want to increase the speed of your postal server, you can do this by tweaking your cronjobs in your mailing application. Also, don’t worry if you have not heard anything about cron jobs. You can check my tutorial on ‘the installation of mailwizz application to know what it is all about. You can also watch the video below to see practically how I installed mailwizz on a VPS machine. We are moving swiftly. If for any reason you are confused at any point in the tutorial please submit the issue you are facing in the appropriate community in our forum or you can email me at What is an SMTP server? This is not just peculiar to the Postal SMTP setup guide, the key to understanding any technical topic is the ability to explain it with less technical terms. So, what in the world is SMTP? SMTP is short for Simple mail transfer protocol. It is a networking system that allows your computer to send emails to other recipient email clients like Gmail, outlook, yahoo, etc. It is as simple as that, there is no point complicating issues. As I have said before; there are different mail transfer agents, but in this guide, We will be using Postal. This is because it is free, easy to install, open-source, and backed by a good community of developers and users. The below diagram also clearly explained what the concept of SMTP looks like. Pros and cons of postal SMTP server Postal SMTP Setup Requirements Just as in our ultimate guide to email marketing; An email marketing system is made up of two parts; the SMTP part which is the network; and the application. There are also 3 types of email marketing platforms or systems. You can go read it up, but if you don’t have the time to read it now, this is the summary of the types of email marketing systems or platforms: The done-for-you system Please I don’t know if this is what it is called in the real world 🙂. I came up with this name. I called it The done for you system simply because everything has been done for you. All you need to do is to signup for an account, verify your domain and start sending. Examples of such systems are getresponse,, clickfunnels, convertkit, etc. when using these systems it is very important to be a genuine sender. This is important to keep to the email deliverability best practices including the can-spam act of 2003. Aside from that, it will help not to impact the shared IPs of ESPs with bad reputations. This is because if you send spammy emails, you will be banned. It’s very important to use services like Zerobounce to routinely validate your email list before sending. The Semi-custom email marketing system This is a type of email marketing system where you can have your mailing application such as Mailwizz on maybe a VPS server and you can subscribe to an Smtp service like mailgun, Amazon ses. I personally like this system because you’ll have total control over your email list. You can still be banned if you don’t have a good sending reputation. The custom email marketing system Wow 😇, so this is the place we got to pay attention to today. For a custom email marketing system, we don’t need any company to help us send emails. we are the one to build our own system from scratch. This is very important as it will help you to save more than 10x of the money you would have spent on email marketing companies. Since we are not depending on any system, this is where